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A Message Received

The Word of God sticks with you—and Nely Worthy is proof.

Joseph Miller June 9, 2024

As a young woman growing up in Guatemala, Nely Worthy didn’t share her mom’s Christian beliefs. She rebelled against the constraints of a religious upbringing, got involved with a man, and had a child out of wedlock.

Photograph by Ivan Kashinsky

But several years after her daughter’s birth, Nely wanted a fresh start. So she moved to the U.S. to find work that would help provide for her mother’s medical care. Over time, the Holy Spirit began to work on Nely’s heart, bringing to mind In Touch messages that she had overheard on the radio. She also recalled the insightful comment her mother once made about Dr. Stanley’s sermons: “You may go your own way, but something from these words will always stay with you.”           

Her mother’s prediction proved true. Now a passionate believer, Nely watches In Touch each week with her husband Rex. And both of them are committed to giving others the opportunity to hear Dr. Stanley’s messages and the Word of God.  

Nely is grateful for the Spanish In Touch radio broadcast and its impact on her life. She’s returned to Guatemala multiple times with Rex to distribute the Messenger—a device that lets people listen to the Bible and Dr. Stanley’s sermons day or night.

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