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From the Pastor’s Heart

In your greatest struggles, Christ offers you peace.

It’s our hope today that you’re in a season of abounding joy. But we know that might not always be the case.

The troubles of life can easily undermine our joy and rob us of our peace. For those days—perhaps today—when worry seems to consume you, take hold of the peace that is yours in Jesus. Dr. Stanley never tired of teaching on this subject, in fact, he wrote very personally about it:

For a long time after I was saved, I felt a vague sense of emptiness.

I couldn’t put my finger on the cause, but I knew something was missing from my Christian life. It felt unsettling. Then one day I figured out what was eluding me. I didn’t feel the inner peace of Christ.

For believers, there are two types of peace. When we’re saved, we gain peace with God because our sins are forgiven. But secondly, there is an awesome sense of wholeness that comes from the peace of God. 

All too often, Christians are filled with worry, fears, anxiety, and that sense of emptiness I felt.

Does that describe you?

So many things war against the peace of Christ in our hearts. We face illnesses, relational conflicts, financial issues, and loss. How can we possibly feel peace-filled with so much turbulence in our lives?

I want to assure you there is a way. You don’t have to live in emotional turmoil.

When Jesus was about to leave His disciples and go to the cross, He knew they’d be distraught, so He reassured them, saying, “Peace I leave you, My peace I give you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, nor fearful” (John 14:27).

That same peace is available to every believer today.

So, what does it look like in our lives?

Christ’s peace stands in stark contrast to the world’s peace. Ever since Adam and Eve sinned, humanity has tried and failed to reclaim the peace that was lost in the fall. In the search for inner serenity, people substitute wealth, possessions, relationships, substances, and entertainment, looking for something to numb their pain. 

God summarizes the world’s striving in Isaiah 57:20-21: “The wicked are like the tossing sea, for it cannot be quiet, and its waters toss up refuse and mud. ‘There is no peace,’ says my God, ‘for the wicked.’”

The world’s peace isn’t true peace.

It’s an attempt to numb oneself to things like loss and conflict. Is that how you’ve thought of peace? Even as believers, we can be tempted by idols or momentary pleasure, hoping to erase our problems. But troublesome situations will always be present in this fallen world. We can’t escape them.

In contrast, Christ’s peace is nothing like the world’s peace because it prevails over our circumstances.

It’s entirely based on our relationship with Him. The Greek word for peace means to bind together. In Christ, our brokenness is made whole again. We experience His divine healing within our emotions. As a result, we obtain stillness, steadfastness, and stability for any situation. Once you know this kind of peace, you will never exchange it for what the world offers.

Sure, there will be moments when you feel overwhelmed with sudden fear or anxiety, but you don’t have to stay in that condition. 

Pray. Focus on Christ and on encouraging words from Scripture, until His peace floods into your heart and your mind (Phil. 4:6-7).

There have been times in my own life when I’ve walked through some very difficult situations. On one occasion after going through a particularly hard time, I remember thinking, God, how faithful You are. When humanly speaking, everything in me wanted to run away, You gave me inner peace that was anchored to what would not move—the Lord Jesus Christ.

In your greatest struggles, most heartbreaking experiences, and deepest sorrows, Christ offers you peace. 

Acquiring it isn’t a one-time event but an ongoing process. With each stressful situation, come to Christ once again in complete trust and receive His peace anew. The more you do this, the more His peace will take root and characterize your whole life.

Dr. Stanley’s words give incredible hope.

There is a great, abiding peace available to us in Christ. It’s the believer’s inheritance, our gift from the Savior. Cling to Jesus today, tomorrow, and always. We pray for your peace in Him.

Till next time, God bless you.

For His Glory, 

Your Friends at In Touch Ministries

P.S. This month we lovingly remember Dr. Stanley, who would have turned 92 on September 25th. We’re grateful for all he taught us and for the opportunity to continue his legacy. Dr. Stanley was devoted to teaching, preaching, and sharing Christ with the world. What an awesome calling! It’s an honor to know his mission and message are living on through each one of us—including you.