Are you in the process of making a decision and don't know what to do? Don't just react because you don't want to wait or because you feel pressure from others. It could have disastrous results. Discover that waiting is directed, purposeful, expectant anticipation of what God is going to do.
Sermon Outline
Experiencing the victory God brings is a wonderful outcome of waiting to see Him work. It is always greater than anything we could have done. Today, Dr. Stanley continues explaining the practice of waiting on God and the benefits that result.
Key Passage: Psalm 27:14
Supporting Passages: Psalm 37:34; Psalm 37:39-40; Psalm 40:1-3; Isaiah 40:29-31; Isaiah 49:23; Isaiah 64:4; Lamentations 3:25; Romans 8:28
Some of the most essential lessons in life are the most difficult to learn. Waiting on God is one such lesson. It’s not only invaluable but also challenging—and disastrous to ignore.
► “When we’re willing to wait on the Lord, His Spirit is like wind beneath our wings.”
There are rewards for waiting. When we do, we …
Discover God’s will and purpose (Lam. 3:25; Rom. 8:28).
His will and His purpose are the “good” He wants for us.
Receive supernatural physical energy and strength (Isa. 40:29-31).
When we wait on God, we work in His strength and can keep going when others cannot.
Win the battles of life (Ps. 37:34, Ps. 37:39-40).
God will enable us to succeed if we are willing to wait and obey Him (v. 34).
Receive answers to our prayers (Ps. 40:1-3).
This is true for requests both large and small.
See the fulfillment of our faith (Isa. 49:23).
God will make sure the situation works out if we have waited for Him.
Our failure to wait is often due to outside pressure from others’ opinions.
See God working on our behalf (Isa. 64:4).
God is on our team, working to support us.
He’ll allow us to go our own way if we wish, but that will always be disappointing because we can’t improve on His ways and timing.
► “Sometimes, what we’re praying about is in the will of God—He wants to do it and has already [worked to provide] it, but the timing must be right.”
There are four requirements for waiting on the Lord.
Faith—We must trust Him.
Humility—We must submit to Him.
Patience—We must remain calm.
Courage—We must resist following our own timetable, giving in to pressure from others, or letting the fear of failure take control.
► “There are rich, rich rewards in learning to wait upon the Lord.”
When is it wise to wait on God?
When we are unsure.
When only God can meet our need.
When He commands it.
After Watching
On a scale of 1 to 10, how practiced would you say you are at waiting on the Lord? What aspect of waiting is most challenging for you?
Have you ever received a reward for waiting on God? What did you gain through the experience?