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Rothschild’s Giraffes, Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. Photo by Charles F. Stanley.
Daily Devotion

The Missionary Question

How can you participate in God's work of reaching the lost with the good news of Christ?

February 16, 2025

Romans 10:11-15

In Romans 10, Paul asked a series of questions we can sum up this way: How will the world hear about Jesus if you do nothing? God uses Christians to spread the word that salvation is available to all. He put us in families and neighborhoods so we’ll build community and share the love of Jesus with those around us. But some believers are called to carry the gospel farther than others. Those who stay are to offer prayer and resources for those who travel.

Have you ever thought, Mission work isn’t where my heart is? Every believer is called to missions as either a goer or a sender, whether the call comes in a dramatic way or is seen more as a biblical principle to be followed (Mark 16:15-16). Christians who share, go, and send are often excited about God’s message for unbelievers—and it’s possible for you to be enthusiastic, too, even if you never physically leave the place where you live.

Ask the Lord, “How can I be a full participant in Your mission to get the gospel out to a world that’s in desperate need of it?” If you aren’t called to go, then choose to be a sender. Offer your prayers, your support, and anything else that will help to put others on the mission field to share the good news of Christ. In Him, everything and everyone has a purpose—and nothing goes to waste.

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