Sermon Notes
Sermon Notes are free summaries designed to help you apply the truth of Scripture to your life as you watch or listen to Dr. Stanley’s messages.
Note: While the Sermon Notes are no longer in production, you can now get the new In Touch Ministries Sermon Companion, which includes the broadcast schedule for the month, outlines for each sermon, questions for personal application, and more. Choose to have it delivered to your mailbox and/or emailed to your inbox each month.
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The Triumphant Message of the Resurrection Dr. Stanley shares what God’s Word reveals about the resurrection of the saints. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Your Convictions About the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ Gain knowledge on the death of Jesus and how it affects all of us here and now. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Life Principle 28: Together in the Christian Life No Christian has ever been called to “go it alone” in his or her walk of faith. | Sermon Notes PDF |
When We Feel Burned Out Put the burden of your responsibilities into God's capable hands. | Sermon Notes PDF |
When We Feel Frustrated Replace your anxiety with God's peace. | Sermon Notes PDF |
When We Feel Guilty Be reminded of Christ's sacrifice for your sins and the true freedom that allows you to live guilt-free. | Sermon Notes PDF |
When We Feel Inferior When you have feelings of inferiority, remember you are God's workmanship—a precious work of art. | Sermon Notes PDF |
When We Are Abused If you're recovering from abuse, seek a relationship with Jesus Christ for true healing and restoration. | Sermon Notes PDF |
When We Are Fearful Learn how God's Word can comfort you and give you courage to face every fear that troubles you. | Sermon Notes PDF |
When We Are Lonely Dr. Stanley will show you how God can heal the aches of your loneliness. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Beyond Ourselves Learn from the life of the apostle Paul how to triumph over difficult circumstances. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Meditating on the Word of God Find out the four disciplines that show us how to meditate on Scripture. | Sermon Notes PDF |
When Faith Gives Way to Fear Overcome fear by trusting God to keep His promises to you. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Confidence to Face the Unknown Learn from the life of Moses how you can face life with confidence and assurance. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Jesus - The Prince of Peace Look to Christ and follow God's Word so your heart can remain calm—even when troubles surround you. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Christmas: A Time for Giving Jesus always gave himself in service to others. How are you following His example? | Sermon Notes PDF |
Is Jesus Christ God? Discover how Jesus is the perfect image of God the Father. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Eternal Life: Do You Want It? Focus on the eternal life God promises to those who believe in His Son, Jesus Christ. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Thanksgiving Every Day Dr. Stanley reflects on the apostle Paul’s instructions to give thanks in every circumstance. | Sermon Notes PDF |
How to Pass on Our Faith Discover how to hand down the most valuable thing we have as believers—our faith. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Stages of Faith Find out the three stages God brings us through to develop a firm faith. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Requirements of Faith The moment we're saved, God enrolls us in the school of faith. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Strengthening Our Wavering Faith Faith is the key to the Christian life. | Sermon Notes PDF |
What It Means to Believe in Jesus Learn what it means to truly believe in Jesus. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Basics of Faith The basic foundation of truth in the Christian life is faith. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Confidence in the Midst of Distress We are to 'cease striving' and know that God is in control. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Life Principle 1: Our Intimacy with God Our intimacy with God—His highest priority for our lives—determines the impact of our lives. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Life Principle 7: The Dark Moments in our Life The dark moments of our life will last only so long as is necessary for God to accomplish His purpose in us. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Life Principle 4: Energized by His Presence The awareness of God’s presence energizes us for our work. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Building Truth Into Your Life Truthfulness is an essential character quality for believers. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Bible - More Than A Book The Bible is no ordinary book; it is the unfolding revelation of almighty God. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Gifted for Service One of the greatest tragedies is for a person to live his whole life with no purpose, sense of direction, or goals. Do you know what you are living for? | Sermon Notes PDF |
Moving Toward Maturity Are you growing in your Christian life? | Sermon Notes PDF |
The First Step If we believe that Jesus is the Son of God and we trust Him for our salvation, we will be saved. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Thanksgiving in the Midst of Adversity Practice gratitude when things get tough. | Sermon Notes PDF |
In the Midst of Adversity Gain knowledge on the qualities God is building in you through adversity. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Growing In Our Adversity Choose to view adversity as an opportunity rather than an obstacle. | Sermon Notes PDF |
An Intimate Look at Adversity What are the causes of adversity, and how should we view it? | Sermon Notes PDF |
Living Wisely or Foolishly Find out the difference between godly and human wisdom. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Levels of Faith in the Life of the Believer Progress to a level of great faith so your life can take on a stronger purpose. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Forgiving Father Discover the love of our Father through the parable of the prodigal son. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Absent From the Party Dr. Stanley examines the self-righteous attitude of the older brother in the parable of the prodigal son. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Condition of the Heart Even if sin takes us on a downward spiral, God is willing to forgive us when we repent. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Preparation for Warfare How can we be strong and stand firm against the attacks of the enemy? | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Message of the Resurrection Calvary demonstrated Christ's power over death and God's capacity to keep His word. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Cross: A Debt Paid in Full How do we pay back our spiritual debt of sin? | Sermon Notes PDF |
Lessons Learned in the Temptation of Jesus Jesus' example offers us the best defense against temptation. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Faith To Follow It's always best to make a conscious effort to follow God. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Listening to God Seek the Lord, and He will answer. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Guided by God Choose to surrender all to the Lord so your actions can bring Him glory. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Walking With God Through the Dark Times If you're going through a difficult time, God can give you peace and comfort. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Good Shepherd Do you ever find it hard to believe that God truly loves and cares for you? | Sermon Notes PDF |
Knowing Holy God Pursue holiness so you can walk in greater obedience to the Lord. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Knowing God as Our Father Get to know God as your heavenly Father who loves you unconditionally. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Expressions of God's Goodness Be encouraged to consider our heavenly Father's unlimited grace. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Greatness of God Dr. Stanley explains God's revelation of Himself, His character, and His attributes through Scripture. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Privilege Corrupted The greatest privilege believers have is knowing God. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Taking Advantage of the Privilege Knowing God not only brings you peace and contentment but also joy in having a personal relationship with Him. | Sermon Notes PDF |
No Greater Love Dr. Stanley shares how the Bible is really the story of God’s redeeming love for mankind. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Christmas: The Wisdom of God Nowhere is God’s wisdom more apparent than in His plan of redemption. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Truth That Sets Us Free Discover the freedom you have in Jesus Christ. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Key to Making Wise Decisions Follow God's commandments so you can gain wisdom and experience God's best for you. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Circle of Our Impact How are you using your God-given skills to influence the world for His kingdom? | Sermon Notes PDF |
Overflowing With Gratitude Do you have a joyful, grateful spirit no matter what? | Sermon Notes PDF |
Making a Lasting Impact As the salt of the earth, strive to influence others in a positive way. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Our Very Best Friend Scripture reveals Jesus is a friend to all kinds of people—including you. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Troubled Friendships Examine how you go about choosing your friends and developing friendships. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Building Wise Friendships Dr. Stanley highlights the importance of choosing wise friendships. | Sermon Notes PDF |
A Strong Life Use the attributes of a strong life to defend yourself from life's storms. | Sermon Notes PDF |
A Strong Family Consider making a pledge of love and devotion to one another in your own family. | Sermon Notes PDF |
A Strong Church Are you committed to loving God and serving people in His name? | Sermon Notes PDF |
How to Stay Young and Useful All Your Life Dr. Stanley shares several principles on how to live a productive life. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Requirements of a Godly Influence Stand true in your God-given convictions so you can be a good influence. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Acquiring Wisdom Learn to see things from God's viewpoint so you can acquire godly wisdom. | Sermon Notes PDF |
How to Get the Most Out of Your Work Adopt a joyful attitude so you can bring glory to God. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Are You Walking With God? Live your life in step with God, just as Enoch did. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Touching the Hearts of the Next Generation Dr. Stanley teaches how to be an example of godliness to your children and grandchildren. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Does Prayer Influence God? Have confidence and assurance when you pray. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Surviving Our Present Culture Learn how to be a committed follower of Jesus despite how the world acts. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Life Principle 25: Passing on God’s Blessings God blesses us so that we might bless others. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Characteristics of a Godly Mother Dr. Stanley details the many facets of a godly mother. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Prayer That Moves God Shift your view on prayer from obligation to joy and expectation. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Healing Our Hurts Develop the courage to face your wounds and experience God’s healing touch. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Because He Lives Jesus' resurrection allows us to live without worry and pray with confidence. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Supreme Moment in Human History Through Christ's crucifixion, God judged sin, defeated Satan, and reconciled us to Himself. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Hungering and Thirsting for God, Pt. 2 Find out how true fulfillment can come only from God. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Hungering and Thirsting for God, Pt. 1 Get a clear explanation of how real satisfaction comes from spending regular time with the Lord. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Power of a Discerning Spirit Figure out why you need spiritual discernment and how to develop it. | Sermon Notes PDF |
God’s Way is the Best Way Be reminded of the best way to respond to life's challenges. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Life Principle 17: Standing Tall and Strong Through Prayer We stand tallest and strongest on our knees. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Treasures of the Heart Dr. Stanley explains how Mary, Jesus' mother, had many things to treasure. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Our Savior, Who Is Christ The Lord Dr. Stanley revisits the story of Jesus’ birth and explores the names and titles given to our Savior. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Walking In God's Plan Dr. Stanley explains how to have an abundant life in Christ as you seek God's will. | Sermon Notes PDF |
A Call To Prayer Dr. Stanley shares how seeking God is the only way our land can be healed. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Challenge of Wavering Faith Learn how to respond when God doesn't answer your prayers in your timing. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Satan's Strategy to Defeat Us Do you know your enemy has a plan to defeat you? | Sermon Notes PDF |
Facing a Satanic Attack You are a soldier in a spiritual war. Do you know your weak spots? | Sermon Notes PDF |
Requirements for Effective Meditation The world is loud, but God still speaks, listens, and loves us completely. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Guidance Through Godly Meditation God can lead you past indecision and away from costly mistakes. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Distracted From Godly Meditation God is genuinely interested in the things that interest you. And He’s more than willing to speak to your heart about them. He longs for your times of biblical meditation and for you to listen to His clear and righteous direction for your life. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Godly Meditation on Courage Biblical meditation is characterized by a thorough and thoughtful consideration of what God is saying to us. Our meditations with Him deepen our devotional life and our fellowship with Him. But sometimes He may call us to do more than listen and learn. It is then that we need His courage to act. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Power of Godly Meditation How often do we read a Bible verse and just hours, or a day later, find that we can’t recall much about it? It happens to every one of us from time to time. We read God’s Word, but we don’t always think about the next steps to living it out in our lives. | Sermon Notes PDF |
How Should We Wait? Waiting tests our faith like nothing else. But trusting God always pays off in the end. In this message, Dr. Stanley takes a closer look at the right and wrong ways to wait. Learn how to let peace and confidence rule your heart while you let God work. | Sermon Notes PDF |
When God Says Wait Delays can feel agonizing, but God has a bird’s-eye view and His timing is perfect. In this practical message, Dr. Stanley talks about six things you need in order to receive God’s best in every situation. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Your Convictions About The Judgment Of The Believer Judgment—it’s a heavy word that inspires anxiety, dread, and possibly despair. But for the believer, it doesn't have to be that way. In this message, Dr. Stanley explains that judgment for Christians isn't something we have to be afraid of. Yes, we will be held accountable for our lives, but God’s desire is to reward His children, not punish them. Learn how to live in such a way that one day you'll hear the words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” | Sermon Notes PDF |
Your Convictions About the Holy Spirit Life can sometimes be difficult and draining, especially when you're trying to serve God. But that’s why Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force; He is the third Person of the trinity who empowers, convicts, guides, and comforts all believers. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Faith That Wavers Dr. Stanley looks at the common causes of weak faith and the mistakes that can damage it further. When the Israelites followed Moses out of Egypt, they needed to learn to trust the God who had delivered them—and so must we. Knowing how to protect your faith will help you grow strong and resilient in the face of every challenge. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Consequences of a Faith Failure Dr. Stanley explores the consequences of failing to trust God. Avoid the sorrow and frustration of missing God’s plan by being diligent about growing your faith. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Experiencing A Faith Failure In this important message, Dr. Stanley shows us what a faith failure looks like. The Israelites paid a heavy price when they listened to the fearful report of their spies instead of believing God and following Joshua and Caleb into the land of Canaan. Learn five reasons why our trust in God wavers, and be encouraged to maintain your faith at every turn. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Escaping a Desperate Situation Listen as Dr. Stanley examines the story of the Red Sea parting and its meaning for us today. The same God who led His people out of slavery and into a new country will also deliver us from difficulty—and show His glory in the process. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Living by God's Guidance In this practical message, Dr. Stanley explains that we, too, should be following God as our guide every day. We don't have a pillar of cloud for a signpost, but as believers, we have the Holy Spirit indwelling us. He’s our leader, and He’s committed to showing us the correct path in every circumstance. Find out what you can do to gain discernment, recognize His voice, and follow Him in holiness through every challenge and uncertainty. | Sermon Notes PDF |
A Night to Remember In this message, Dr. Stanley examines the effects of sin and rebellion in the heart of man, and the extraordinary measures God uses to rescue His people and bring them out of bondage. In the Israelites’ day, the blood of a lamb saved them from the final plague. Today, it’s the blood of Jesus that sets us free. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Battle for Self-Control Picture a tug-of-war contest. Two sides struggle against each other, straining to gain control. Can both sides win? Of course not—that’s the nature of the game. In this message, Dr. Stanley sheds light on the internal conflict each of us must face: the battle between obeying God or indulging our flesh. It’s a high-stakes struggle with only one winner. But as children of God we're not left on our own—with the Holy Spirit on our side, we’re each equipped with self-control. Learn how this fruit of the Spirit tips the scales in your favor. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Reassuring Quality of Faithfulness Sooner or later, each of us must face the reality that in our own strength we don't measure up—we've all sinned and fallen short most every day of our lives. But the good news is God’s faithfulness to us has never depended on our perfection. In this message, Dr. Stanley explores four ways we experience God’s fidelity in keeping His promises to His children. Relax into the trustworthy character of our heavenly Father—He will never leave or forsake you. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Attractive Quality of Kindness Think of someone with whom you love to spend your time. A certain warmth emanates from their core, inviting you to rest and be yourself, doesn't it? That soothing radiance has a name: kindness. In this message, Dr. Stanley teaches about the irresistible nature of tenderheartedness, both how God demonstrates such a quality toward us and how we should imitate Him in our earthly relationships. Lean into His unfailing kindness and watch how it multiplies in your own life, testifying to everyone around you of the goodness of God. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Patience - Essential To Experiencing God's Best Patience is a virtue we all respect—that is, until we have to exercise it in our own lives. In this message, Dr. Stanley lays out the truth plainly: Patience is indispensable to our ability to obey God and receive His best for us. It may feel excruciating to wait upon the Lord, but that’s exactly when He renews our strength (Isaiah 40:31). Discover why you can trust God’s perfect timing. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Narrow Path To Personal Peace In this message, Dr. Stanley speaks of Jesus Christ as the Prince of Peace and explains how we can find inner contentment and true rest through a personal relationship with Him. Don't let things like anger, lust, or bitterness steal your peace. Learn how to trust God and let Him calm your soul with His soothing presence. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Triumphant Joy Imprisonment plus isolation plus a death sentence equals . . . joy? Wait, that can't be right, can it? In this message, Dr. Stanley examines the apostle Paul’s triumphant joy in the face of dire circumstances. It may seem absurd, but as Christians, we’re enabled by the Holy Spirit to experience overflowing joy even when our lives only seem to be adding up to despair. Explore what it means to trade in superficial happiness for steadfast joy. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Love Lessons With countless songs, books, and movies dedicated to love, you would think we actually understood what it means. But the world has warped our view of God’s most precious attribute, leaving humanity longing for the real thing. In this message, Dr. Stanley teaches us what love really is and how it affects our lives. Learn how your life can be transformed when you allow God’s love to wrap around you and flow through you to others. | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Mighty Hand of God Pharaoh was the leader of a nation, and his rebellion against God had far-reaching consequences for many people. Whether on a large scale or a smaller one, sin destroys. In this message, Dr. Stanley explores the Egyptian leader’s disobedience and talks about how important it is to identify our weaknesses and pursue genuine repentance—both as individuals and as a nation. | Sermon Notes PDF |
A God-Centered Message God equipped Moses to fulfill his purpose, and He can do the same for you. No matter what He calls you to do, He will provide, direct, strengthen, and empower you to handle every difficulty. Listen as Dr. Stanley talks about all that God will do when we're willing to obey Him. You can have the faith and confidence to say, “Here am I, send me” (Isa. 6:8). | Sermon Notes PDF |
The Promise and the Plan We don't always understand why God works the way He does. But we can be assured that He is always in control. At such times, it’s helpful to remember that God sees the big picture. He’s always working to accomplish His purposes. In this message, Dr. Stanley outlines seven truths from Scripture to remind us that no matter what we see, we can trust God to fulfill all His promises and complete His perfect plan. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Hearing God's Voice Take your Bible-reading to a deeper level as you learn to recognize what your loving and all-powerful Father is communicating to you personally. Dr. Stanley maps out sixteen specific characteristics of a word from the Lord that will help you understand His directions. This practical message will grow your faith, inspire your Bible study, and ready you for service. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Our Burning Bushes Listen as Dr. Stanley introduces this incredible account from the book of Exodus, and shares stories from his own life about moments when God spoke to him clearly and dramatically. These experiences may not be audible or visual, and they’ll be different for everyone, but God will speak to those who are willing to listen. | Sermon Notes PDF |
Staying in Step With God In this message, Dr. Stanley explores an early mistake in the life of Moses. Understanding what went wrong for the future leader of the Hebrews will prepare us to handle similar moments in our own lives wisely. The results will always be worth the effort. | Sermon Notes PDF |