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TV Sermon

An Introduction To Jesus

Dr. Stanley uses Scripture to answer common questions about Jesus Christ.

December 7, 2024

The apostle Paul wrote to the churches in Galatia that God sent His Son to rescue us, so that we’d no longer be slaves to this world but sons and daughters of the King—so that we’d be heirs of His everlasting kingdom (Gal. 4:4-7). Jesus came to earth as a human being to identify with our struggles and to redeem us from sin through His sacrifice on the cross. Jesus did that for us so that we could spend an eternity with Him in heaven. Dr. Stanley uses Scripture to answer common questions about Jesus.

Sermon Outline

Every day, we’re surrounded by people who need the Savior. The Christmas season is filled with many moments when we can share Him with others. In today’s sermon, Dr. Stanley provides some wonderful advice for doing just that.

Key Passage: Matthew 1:18-21

Supporting Passages: Genesis 1:26; Matthew 18:20; Luke 24:47; John 1:1-5; John 10:27-31; John 12:42-45; John 14:7-9; Philippians 2:9-11; Colossians 1:14-16; Hebrews 1:1-2

When you hear the name Jesus, what comes to mind? Your answer depends on what you think about Him, how much you know about Him, and what kind of relationship you have with Him.

► “Jesus is the King of all kings, and one day we’ll all stand before Him as our judge.”

Who is Jesus, and what can you tell others about Him? Here are six important things people need to know:

1. Jesus had lived before being conceived in His mother’s womb.

  • “Let Us make”—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have been active eternally, before time ever began (Gen. 1:26).

2. He was born into the world He created.

  • “In the beginning was the Word”—Jesus has always been present (John 1:1-5).

  • “Firstborn of all creation”—Firstborn Hebrew sons managed the estate; thus, Jesus is manager of creation (Col. 1:14-16).

  • “Heir of all things”—Jesus has the full inheritance of all that God made through Him (Heb. 1:1-2).

3. Jesus was born of an earthly mother and God Himself.

  • “I am a virgin”—Mary was human and a virgin (Luke 1:34). Since Jesus came into the world through divine means, He had no sin nature. This was necessary because the Savior had to be sinless.

“You and I should never, under any condition, be ashamed of Jesus or deny Him.”

4. Jesus is both God and the Son of God. 

  • “I and the Father are one”—He is the living, visible God (John 10:27-31).

  • “They loved the approval of men”—When we acknowledge Christ’s deity, we join with those who love the approval of God more than that of men (John 12:42-43).

  • “He who believes in Me, does not believe in Me but in Him who sent Me”—Jesus says He represents God (John 12:44-45).

  • “He who has seen Me has seen the Father”—Jesus came, among other reasons, so we can have a closer relationship with the Father (John 14:7-9).

5. Jesus’s name is like no other name. 

  • “Bestowed on Him the name”—God gave Jesus His name (Phil. 2:9-11). And one day, every knee will bow down before Him.

  • “Proclaimed in His name”—Jesus’ name is the name of the living God and Savior (Luke 24:47).

  • “Whatever you ask in My name”—Jesus is there when we pray (John 14:13).

  • “Gathered together in My name”—Jesus is in the heart of the believer (Matt. 18:20).

“God sent us the Savior and made it crystal clear who He is, why He came, and why He deserves our allegiance and total surrender.”

6. Jesus will return as reigning king and judge of all mankind.

  • He will separate the sheep from the goats—He will judge all humanity. (See Matt. 25:31-46.)

  • Jesus is the only way to God—there is no other (John 14:6).

After Watching

  • Which of the points you just heard today about Jesus were new to you? Which one surprises you the most? Why?

  • Do you feel confident or hesitant about sharing with others what you know about Jesus? Consider praying this month for boldness as well as an opportunity to exercise it.

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