Have you ever wondered what happens after you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior? Dr. Stanley shares with us what really happens when a person invites Christ into their heart and the next steps of the Christian walk.
Sermon Outline
I Am Saved – Now What?
Once you become a Christian, you’ll grow for the rest of your life. But some essential things should be learned immediately—and returned to often. This week’s sermon zeroes in on core aspects of our life in Christ.
Key Passage: Philippians 2:5-13
At the moment of salvation, you were transformed. To grow in faith, it’s important to understand who God and Jesus are, how the Holy Spirit works in your life, and what responsibilities you have as a Christian.
Consider the person and place of Jesus Christ in your life. He is...
The Incarnate Son of God (Phil. 2:6).
An obedient servant to the Father (Phil. 2:7).
Human but sinless (Phil. 2:8).
The One who came to die for you (Phil. 2:8).
Exalted—His name is above all others (Phil. 2:9).
Not only Savior but also Lord (Phil. 2:10-11)
Jesus is “the boss,” and that means He has the right and authority to...
Determine all your steps and actions.
Tell you where to go and what to do.
Enable you to do what He commands.
Your responsibility as a Christian is “to work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (v. 12).
“Work out your salvation” doesn’t mean “work for it.” Salvation is not based on what you do, but on what Jesus has done.
Good works cannot get you into heaven.
Live in such a way that people know you’re different.
God wants you to make an impact through your conversations, conduct, and character as you go about your life.
“Fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12) means taking the lordship of Christ seriously. Consider your decisions—to go, act, do, speak—carefully.
Consider who is empowering you to accomplish these things—God Himself.
God makes His will known and enables you to follow it (Philippians 2:13).
His pleasure is that you become Christlike (Phil. 2:5).
He predestined you to become like Jesus (Rom. 8:29).
Four essential statements from today’s sermon:
We’re to continually be aware that Jesus is the incarnate Son of God. He’s reigning in us.
We have a personal responsibility to live out what God has placed within us: the life of Jesus, who embodies righteousness.
God Himself helps us do this.
His goal for each of us is conformation to the image of His Son.
After Watching
Consider these thoughts and questions in response to the sermon:
Jesus is your Savior and your Lord. Have you thanked Him and submit- ted to Him today?
Do you feel compelled to show the world that Jesus is your King? What actions will accomplish that?
Are you trusting Him to empower you for what seems impossible?