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My Assurance: God Is in Control - Part 1

Be reminded of how God strengthens your faith and calms your fears since He is in control.

October 19, 2024

Do you believe God is in complete control of everything—even the situations you face today? In part one of this four-sermon set, Dr. Charles Stanley reminds us that understanding God's sovereignty—and acting on its truth—strengthens our faith and calms our fears. Embrace God's love for us.

Sermon Outline

At some point, regardless of what season of life we’re in, we will come to the end of our strength and wisdom—especially during times of adversity. It is then that we learn to trust in Someone greater than ourselves. In this sermon, Dr. Stanley encourages us to have confidence in the loving power of our trustworthy God.

Key Passage: Psalm 103:19-22

Supporting Passages: Genesis 1:1; John 6:37; John 14:6; Romans 8:28; Colossians 1:17

Adversity can cause feelings of discouragement, fear, and loneliness. But if we’ll remember God controls all our circumstances, we can face anything. 

“‘Remember, God is in control.’ That factual statement became an anchor in my life.”

In Psalm 103:19, David mentions …

  • God’s Throne—The seat from which He reigns over the universe.

  • God’s Sovereignty—His absolute control and unlimited authority.

The Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is filled with examples of God’s sovereignty. For instance, He …

  • Created the universe (Gen. 1:1).

  • Sustains His creation and everything in it (Col. 1:17).

  • Destroyed the world with a flood (Gen. 6:17).

  • Confounded human language at the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:9).

  • Made a covenant with Abraham and fulfilled it beyond all expectation (Gen. 12:1-3). 

  • Rescued mankind from sin through Jesus, who was of the line of Judah. (See 1 Pet. 3:18.)

  • Redeems adversities, even where evil is involved. (See Rom. 8:28.)

► “No matter what you’re going through, God can turn and twist the situation until it turns out for your good.”

As believers, we can rest assured that …

1. God is continually involved in our life.

  • He has promised to provide for, protect, and watch over us. 

2. God will work every circumstance in our life for good.

  • As His children, Christians are cared for by a Father of unsurpassed power who loves them beyond all measure.

3. Nothing can touch us apart from His permissive will.

  • God is our protector.

  • If He chooses to allow something painful, He has a reason, though we may not understand exactly why at the time.

“Look to the future with confidence. If God has said He’ll do something, you can stake your life on it.”

4. We can have confidence about the future.

  • The Lord has good in store for us that we could never anticipate or expect.

  • Our plans won’t ever be better than the plans of omniscient God.

  • Trusting in God’s sovereign love releases us from worry.

  • There is nothing too challenging for God. Turn everything over to Him and rest.

After Watching

  • Is there some area in your life that you’re trying to control? Pray and ask God to help you release it into His perfect, loving care.

  • If you’re struggling to trust in God’s sovereignty, talk to fellow believers. Ask them to share their stories of His deliverance. This is one way we “encourage … and build up one another” (1 Thess. 5:11).

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