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The Downward Path to a Broken Life

Get a fresh take on the story of the prodigal son and learn how to take the path that leads us out of misery.

March 29, 2025

Slipping into despair is a familiar journey for many of us. Dr. Stanley uses the parable of the prodigal son to outline each poor decision on the road to misery. And, more importantly, he illuminates the path that leads out of it.

Sermon Outline

Mistakes can start small, but if we stay on the wrong path, we’ll wind up very far from where we hoped to be. Thankfully, there’s a way back through God’s goodness, mercy, and love. This week, Dr. Stanley reveals lessons we can learn from the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

Key Passage: Luke 15:11-24

Supporting Passages: Genesis 3:4; Luke 15:30

Many people in this life are miserable, even though they’re successful by the world’s standards. Rich or poor, they don’t know how they got into a mess or how to get out.

Jesus’ Parable of the Prodigal Son is …

  • One of the most familiar stories Jesus told (Luke 15:11-24).

  • An example of what can happen when we leave God’s path.

  • The answer to How did I get here? and How do I get out?

►“The more the prodigal son heard about other places, the more he listened. And the more he listened, the more dissatisfied he became.”

The steps of the downward path to a broken life:

1. Dissatisfaction—The son had much but became unhappy.

  • We should be careful about dwelling on what we don’t have.

2. Desire—The son visualized what he wanted: fun and freedom.

  • As our desire for something increases, we should always stop and ask, Is this consistent with God’s will for my life?

3. Decision—The son made up his mind and left his father.

  • One of Satan’s most common lies is that the poor decision we’re contemplating will not harm us (Gen. 3:4).

“Whatever you want to call life without restraints, it’s enslavement to sin. There’s nothing freeing about it.”

4. Delight—The son got exactly what he wanted in the far-off country (Luke 15:13; Luke 15:30).

  • Our mistakes in life often sound good at first; we don’t think they’ll work out poorly.

5. Disillusionment—The son ended up penniless and hungry. His desires came to a bad end.

  • This happens when, instead of putting our time and energy into God’s will, we waste them on something else.

6. Despair—The son lost everything and wound up in a terrible predicament.

  • Arriving at the bottom of the barrel is a process. We get there one decision at a time, but we can also get back out.

7. Determination—The son decided to return to his father (Luke 15:17; Luke 15:19-20).

  • Turning back to God in repentance is always a wise course of action.

The father in the parable, like God, …

  • Waits for his child to come home.

  • Runs to meet his child.

  • Is willing to forgive, cleanse, and grant a second chance (Luke 15:21-24).

After Watching

  • The Parable of the Prodigal Son is a powerful story in whatever form it’s told. What aspect of this familiar narrative stands out to you when you study it? Which character do you most identify with?

  • Return of the Prodigal Son—a painting created by the Dutch master Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn—is a moving visual presentation of the story’s conclusion. Look the painting up online when you have a moment. Examine it closely, noting the many details the artist included. What emotions does the painting create in you?

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