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TV Sermon

The Obstacle

Get a deeper understanding of the pattern of pride in our lives and its role as the enemy of humility.

March 8, 2025

Pride is the sin that serves as the root of all others. Dr. Stanley helps us examine the patterns of pride in our lives and its role as the enemy of humility. If we're willing to deal with pride, He will give us a spirit of humility as we respond in submission to His will.

Sermon Outline

Humility is something we admire in others and would like to cultivate in ourselves. However, there’s an obstacle we all face at one time or another. Today, Dr. Stanley discusses the most devastating sin of all—pride—and gives us practical steps to help root it out.

Key Passage: 1 Peter 5:1-7

Supporting Passages: Genesis 3:5; Proverbs 6:16; Proverbs 8:13; Proverbs 16:5; Isaiah 14:13-14; 2 Corinthians 12:7-9; 1 John 2:15-16

Pride is the most difficult sin to detect in ourselves, the hardest to confess, and the one that God hates the most. It is directly opposed to humility.

►“Pride and rebellion are two traveling companions.”

It’s essential to remember that …

  • Everyone in the church needs humility (1 Pet. 5:1-7).

  • Pride is the obstacle to humility.

  • Pride means lifting oneself above others.

  • All pride originated with Satan (Isa. 14:13-14).

  • Desiring to be like God is a form of pride (Gen. 3:5).

  • Pride always leads to rebellion.

  • Unhealthy indulgence in the world’s pleasures is not of God (1 John 2:15-16).

What is God’s attitude toward pride?

  • It is an abomination, something He hates (Prov. 6:16; 8:13).

  • It will not go unpunished (Prov. 16:5).

  • He is opposed to it because it’s destructive for us (1 Pet. 5:5).

  • He will firmly block us and our efforts when we are prideful.

Keep in mind …

  • There’s no such thing as a prideful humility or humble pridefulness.

  • Pride is the perfect opposite of all that Jesus was and is.

How do we deal with our pride? We must …

  • Look at ourselves openly and honestly.

  • Recognize ourselves as lowly compared to God’s sovereignty and power.

  • Honestly ask God to reveal areas of pride.

  • Give someone permission to help us spot moments when we are prideful.

  • Not jump to defend ourselves.

►“God sent Paul enough pain, heartache, and suffering to protect him against pride.”

  • Receive difficulty as God’s protection from pride (2 Cor. 12:7-9).

  • Respond with total submission to God’s will and purpose for our life.

After Watching

  • Dr. Stanley suggested enlisting a trusted friend to help you be more aware of pride in your life. Who is that person for you?

  • Is there a “thorn in your flesh” that might actually be a gift from God—something to keep you from being prideful? Pray to the Lord about it and ask for guidance.

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