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Why We Lose Our Peace

Dr. Stanley explains how to keep from losing your peace in this ungodly world.

September 21, 2024

No one can steal your peace unless you allow them to. Dr. Stanley explains how we lose our peace and how not to lose it.

Sermon Outline

When we’re unsettled, we often blame external factors. But as believers, we’re never victims of our circumstances. In today’s sermon, Dr. Stanley explains how we give our peace away. The key is in the mind—which means that right thinking is essential.

Key Passage: Philippians 4:4-9

Supporting Passages: Isaiah 48:22; Hebrews 13:5

Physical possessions can be stolen, but that’s not the case for your peace. To lose that, you must lay it down. How does this happen?

“You cannot have peace in your heart if your thinking falls into any one of these categories.”

Seven categories of thinking that steal your peace:

1. Sinful thoughts

  • Many things can be the object of lust—such as money, power, prestige, position, or sex. Lust is any desire that is out of control.

  • Other sinful thoughts include anger, bitterness, resentment, hatred, and fear.

  • Always remember that sinful thoughts and peace don’t mix.

2. Negative thoughts

  • Included here are self-doubt and thoughts like “I can’t do it.”

  • Negativity might also lead you to blame your background or circumstances for any lack of success.

  • With such thinking, you’ll live your whole life in turmoil.

3. Erroneous thoughts

  • These are incorrect thoughts, like assuming that God doesn’t love you or isn’t with you (Heb. 13:5).

  • They occur if the gospel is misunderstood.

  • If you want peace in your heart, you must straighten out your thinking.

“If God is not in it, no matter what you’re thinking or planning, it’s unrealistic.”

4. Unrealistic thoughts

  • These thoughts lead you to pursue impossible goals that require endless striving or possibly even to use manipulation to get what you want.

  • Any plan that is outside God’s will for your life can lead you to these types of thoughts.

  • Peace is a gift that flows out of you when you’re thinking the right way.

“God doesn’t give commands to contemplate. He gives us commands to obey.”

5. Rebellious thoughts

  • They are contrary to God’s law.

  • Often, these thoughts come from a stubborn refusal to obey.

  • Even service, if it does not come from a heart of submission to God, can cause agitation in your spirit.

6. Obsessive thoughts

  • These are thoughts that grab you and won’t let go. For example, if there’s something you want at all costs, it will take over your spirit.

  • The only obsession that brings peace is a passion for Jesus.

7. Enslaved thoughts

  • This category involves giving yourself over to something that dominates you. There is no peace in it.

  • One example is addiction—even to something you no longer want.

The Keys to Peace:

  1. Accept Jesus Christ as your Savior.

  2. Turn your will over to the Lord. It’s in your will and thinking that you choose to live in obedience to Him.

After Watching

  • Which of the seven types of thoughts are most problematic for you? Read Philippians 4:4-9 and spend a few moments thinking about what’s holding you back.

  • First thing each morning, turn your thoughts over to Jesus. You can use this prayer (or your own words): Lord, I want to experience Your peace today. Help me to put away any thought that hinders it and to focus only on You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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